In life we require a great deal of motivation Whether it comes to work love or any other relationship. However, sometimes the motivation from our colleagues, family, friends isn’t quite beneficial and we tend to drift away from the fact that we need motivation to something else. Books and popular audiobooks are quite helpful when it comes to things like these.
All being said, here are seven motivational audiobooks are really capable of changing your life.
They say that it takes 21 days to form a habit. This book talks interestingly about how a habit formed can transform your life in a way that you never thought it would. This book is quite inspirational because it talks about human behaviour and human psychology and how every person is capable of challenging their limits. For some people it is easy to adjust to the surroundings and adapt to it.
However, for some it isn’t that easy. This book talks about how human beings, by forming a habit can transform their lives. It also reflects on the fact that many prominent personalities have had similar habits which have helped them get where they are at this point of life.
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How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero
This book talks about how you can motivate yourself without making a big deal about it. The point here is, everyone is a badass, they just need to realise it at the right time. And there’s always a right time. This book talks to you like a friend does.
Telling you stories, anecdotes, occasional use of swear words and so on. You’ll feel like you’ve got an imaginary friend. It also looks on issues like self love. It is necessary to love yourself no matter what and not feel guilty about your decisions. At the same time you have to learn to embrace your flaws and this book exactly tells you how to love yourself in a way that no one else will.
The New Japanese Minimalism by Fumio Sasaki
This book is quite helpful for those who want to clear the clutter from their lives. This book tells us how a minimalistic approach goes a long way. Whether it’s furniture or food, less is always more. It’s never a wrong choice, though.
The author Fumio Sasaki isn’t some great minimalistic expert who loves to impart wisdom on such stuff but just a regular guy, like you and me, who felt the need to declutter his life. It tells us that you do not need a lot to lead a good life. He did the same with himself and penned down his experiences while doing so. And mind you, he has done a great job while he was at it.
21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy
Why are some people successful while some people not? Even though we all have 24 hours in a day? It is definitely the great global issue called Procrastination. Procrastination is a sweet devil. With the use and advancement of smartphones, people are getting lazier day by day.
This book is written really smartly. There are ways and strategies which you’ve never ever heard of. These are very subtly written in order to tackle common problems like procrastination which can help you do much more in less time. By the end of this book, you’ll surely have ways to tackle your vices and transform the way you’ve done things in life and thus be more and more productive by the day.
Related: – How to be an Effective Advocate for Your Child with Autism
7 Principles for a Stress-Free Life by Michael Olpin and Sam Bracken
In today’s world, everybody knows what the word ‘stress’ means. Living a stress free life isn’t easy. Especially with all the social media pressure that we have going around us. This book briefly explains to us how to unwind and avoid the common mistakes that we make which gives birth to stress it is aptly written in a simple way that everybody understands. It is not a book which has detailed descriptions but a short and impactful one. That’s something I’d definitely love to try!
What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! by Robert Kiyosaki
This book is a really famous book when it comes the motivational wisdom, This book tells us how the rich think versus how the poor think when it comes to financial decisions. This classic remains a classic even though it has been out there for several years.
The advice is just like wine, gets better with age. When it comes to managing your finances, this book is nothing but gold. This book is highly enriched by Kiyosaki’s personal experiences and the teachings that he received from his rich dad and poor dad. This book also highlights different attitudes of the rich and poor mainly towards money, work and most importantly, their attitudes on life. This audiobook is worth listening to.
The Only Difference Between Success and Failure by Grant Cardone
This Audiobook which is seven hours and 24 minutes long is all what you need in your life. The Author makes a great attempt to convey to us the power of hard work. 10 times more action will lead you towards success which is guaranteed. All you need to do in life is to take action.
10 times more action. The most coveted advice I’ve taken is, in order to be motivated you don’t need to think about the future. Just think about the present and empathise with the future.
We all know that reading makes you smarter.
‘Readers are leaders’
But, did you know that Audiobooks are beneficial in quite a lot of ways? They don’t just make you smarter, definitely quicker and build your intellect, too. They are quite convenient and you can multitask while listening to them, too!
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