What is INSTAGRAM this question most of the peoples search on Google because till now also they did not know what is INSTAGRAM I know INSTAGRAM is a so.
much popular app and so many people’s know about it but there are some people’s did know about INSTAGRAM because they using smart pone at first time or new user at INSTAGRAM etc. and they want to know about INSTAGRAM so if.
you also INSTAGRAM user then this article for you also because in this article I will guide what is INSTAGRAM how to created an INSTAGRAM account how to use INSTAGRAM and many more so let’s start knowing about INSTAGRAM.
INSTAGRAM is a photo’s and video’s sharing social networking site where you can share your photos and videos with your followers and friends and you can also.
see peoples photo’s and video’s on your INSTAGRAM home page if you follow them and you can also able do likes comments share and follow them also you can able to add #tags locations and tags peoples while uploading photo’s on.
INSTAGRAM on INSTAGRAM you can find politics celebrities and business man’s accounts also and you can find so many features like photos filters stories and many more also you can able to create your business account on INSTAGRAM.learn what is twitter.
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First you have to download INSTAGRAM app from play store or app store after downloading INSTAGRAM app and when you open it you will see buttons like.
continue with your FACEBOOK account or sign up with email adders or phone number if you have FACEBOOK account than click on continue with your FACEBOOK account otherwise follow this steps.
Step 1: click on sing up with email address enter your email address than click on next button.
Step 2: Inter you confirmation code than click on next button.
Step 3: fill your full name and enter your password than click on continue without. syncing contacts.
Step 4: add your date of birth than click on next.
Step 5: choose your unique username than click on next.
Step 6: than click on skip and again click on skip now your INSTAGRAM account. will be open.
For using INSTAGRAM perfectly you have to know all the INSTAGRAM feature and buttons so let’s see what they are after creating your INSTAGRAM account you will see buttons like.
So let’s see how this buttons was works.
The home button will show you photo’s and video’s of your INSTAGRAM following peoples for example you follow any business man like bill gates than all bill gates photos and videos show on your INSTAGRAM home page and at to left you will see.
story button:
In this button you can able to keep any story like on whatsapp status but the different is in INSTAGRAM story button you will get so many filters like Q&N task animals filters photos filters and many more. and you can also go live on INSTAGRAM and share with your followers.
The search button help you to find any peoples or any companies account on INSTAGRAM and you will see trending videos and photos in search and you will also see sub buttons like.
Let’s see how this buttons was works.
The top button will show you top INSTAGRAM accounts like celebrities politics or any others popular accounts.
The account button will show you your search accounts for example if I search any users name than account button will show me that user account.
The tags button will show you #tags related to your search for example you search any celebrities name than you go in tags options you will find trending #tags related to that celebrities name.
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The places button help you to find locations of the places and so many people’s use location in there photo’s or video’s so that photo comes to that location if any one search that location or place and that photo will show to them also.
In the search button you will also find categories sections like {IGTV-for video’s shop well-being DACOR travel arts} etc. and you will get at top right discover. peoples button in this button you will find top ID’s and you can easily follow them if you want.
Plus button:
The plus button help you to share your photo’s or video’s on your INSTAGRAM account and you will also get options to edit your photo’s and many more.
features like filters adjust brightness and you will be able to add location and tag peoples in your photo’s and many more things you can able to do in plus button.
Heart button:
The heart button will show your INSTAGRAM notifications like followers likes comments tags etc.
The profile button is most important for us because in profile button you can able to add your full history like.
Let’s see what is the meaning of this buttons.
In this button you can add you name.
In this button you can able to choose your unique INSTAGRAM name that will show on your INSTAGRAM ID.
In this button you can able to add your website or blog URL.
In this button you can able to add you bio for example I’m a actor artist etc.
Switch to professional account:
In this button you can able to convert you normal account to professional account like.
Creator account:
The creator account is for creator like public figure producers artists and influencer’s this the new feature at INSTAGRAM.
Business account:
Business account so many people’s use on INSTAGRAM because it’s help you to promote your INSTAGRAM photos and videos but it’s paid and very helpful even I also use business account.
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INSTAGRAM is the best app for creators public figure’s influencer’s if you want to become one of them than INSTAGRAM is a golden opportunity for you because.
most of the famous influencer’s use INSTAGRAM and they know how important is INSTAGRAM for them.
If you want to use INSTAGRAM for normal purpose than you can use it but do not waste your time I see so many people’s wasting there time on INSTAGRAM by like.
photos or videos so use it for learning purpose there are so many accounts are there on INSTAGRAM for learning like success tips food making tips etc.
I hope now you know about what is INSTAGRAM if you have any question PLZ comment down below thanks for reading.
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