There are tons of front-end frameworks to choose from, and getting good with them is no small task. But sharpening your core JavaScript skills can make you better at all front-end frameworks. By thoroughly understanding JavaScript at its core, you will write better programs, faster, with less struggle.
If you aren’t sure where you stand, you can take a JavaScript Skills Test to find out!
This is a good spot to start if you’re just getting started with JavaScript. This will give the core basics you need, with plenty of hands-on practice.
You’ll learn:
So if you’re brand new to JavaScript, it’s the place to start.
If you’ve already done some JavaScript programming and know the basics, this is a good place to dig in and get good with JavaScript.
You’ll learn:
and more. This is an excellent course for putting some polish on the basics.
In this course, you’ll ramp up your skills with Variables and Types, the core of data in JavaScript.
You’ll learn:
At the end of this course, there won’t be much you don’t know about JavaScript variables and types.
This course is great if you want to dig deep into data collections within JavaScript. This puts you in full control of your data.
You’ll learn:
This is a great course for understanding data in JavaScript and takes you to that next level.
Understanding iterators, iterables and generator functions can be difficult. This is getting into a more advanced territory of JavaScript, and understanding them will help you write far better applications.
You’ll learn:
This is a great way to take your coding skills to the next level.
At the core of JavaScript is a thorough knowledge of Modules.
You’ll learn:
When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have a foundational knowledge of modules that will help you as you move forward to build easier to maintain JavaScript applications.
Objects, prototypes, and classes are extensively used in JavaScript programming. Understanding each of them beyond a surface level will help you more deeply understand the foundations of JavaScript.
You’ll learn:
When you’re finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of JavaScript Objects, Prototypes and Classes needed to create powerful and well-structured applications that take advantage of the dynamic power of JavaScript.
Code is hard to maintain, especially when you keep adding new features to your project over several months and years. If you are not careful, you can end up with spaghetti code where several parts of the project are essentially doing the same task, and any change in one feature can cause changes in several other parts of the code.
This course has a solution to that: modular, readable code with fewer duplications.
You’ll learn:
When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Functions needed to write modular, reusable, and concise code in JavaScript.
Finally, this course removes the mystery behind Asynchronous programming in JavaScript. You’ll gain a great understanding of it.
You’ll learn:
When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of JavaScript promises needed to handle asynchronous code.
If you take these courses front to back, in about 17 hours, you’d be crushing your next JavaScript app. These courses are an excellent example of “sharpening your axe.” These give you the skills to really take advantage of the JavaScript language to build the applications you want.
If you take this path, let me know how it went in the comments!
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